Friday, January 22, 2010


Well, tonight I watched the Help for Haiti concert and telethon on MTV. It was kind of a cry-a-thon for me.
It seemed that this kind of activity brings to light the best part of this country: the willingness to give to those in need. Not all the bickering in Washington, not all the celebrity drama on the media, especially in this atmosphere of economic downturn in the US. At the risk of sounding spiteful, I don't think a lot of us in this country realize how good we have it.
So many problems here are just trivial. Traffic tickets (yes, I have several unpaid), even heating shortages, job losses.....after all, many, or most, of us- still have houses to live in and food to eat. Unfortunately, there are so many that don't have food or homes.
I wonder if because a country or suffering is so distant from us that it is easier for us to be motivated to give to them. After all, they don't live next door and we don't have to greet them. That's what I mean in this show being a "cry-a-thon" for me- if I were to experience that in my daily life could I live through it and still be happy to be alive? What is it that really makes me happy? Is it the things I own? Is it the successes I've acheived?
I'm certainly no saint- but what I yearn for, in my most healthy moments, is to connect with agape- the love of God, intersecting with my life, me- an emotional trainwreck.

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